


莫斯科,ID 83843

875周界博士., MS 3020



电子邮件: osp@omoide-pic.com

网络: OSP的网站




是的. Investigators either participating in or proposed to participate a PHS-funded project must complete a mandatory training. Please view the 培训 link at left for more information.

关于什么是SFI的详细信息可以在 信息披露形式 并包括两项报酬(e.g., consulting fees, honoraria, paid authorship), equity interests (e.g., stock, stock options or other ownership interests), intellectual property rights (e.g., patents and copyrights) or sponsored/reimbursed travel received from an external entity.

The largest PHS entity, with m任何 sub-entities, is the 美国国立卫生研究院.  The following additional entities also fall under the Public 健康 Service as of February 2014:

  • 全球事务办公室(OG)
  • 卫生署助理局长办公室(OASH)
  • Office of the Assistant Secretary for Prep是dness and Response (ASPR)
  • 卫生保健研究机构 & 质量(AHRQ)
  • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
  • 美国疾病控制与预防中心
  • 美国食品和药物管理局
  • 卫生资源和服务管理局
  • 印第安人保健服务
  • 美国国立卫生研究院
  • Substance Abuse and Mental 健康 服务 Administration (SAMHSA)

另外, m任何 other entities have elected to use the PHS FCOI regulations. 一个完整的和更新的列表可通过 Federal Demonstration Partnership institutional clearinghouse.

美国国立卫生研究院发表了一份 广泛的常见问题列表.

To talk to a university representative about FCOI, call 208-885-6162 or email uifcoi@omoide-pic.com.


Principal investigators and all Co-PIs on a Public 健康 Service or National Science Foundation funded project must fill out a 信息披露形式. 另外, 任何one that the PI identifies as falling under the category of "investigator" must fill out the form. The term investigator means 任何one participating in the project who assumes independent responsibility in the project's design, 行为, 研究的分析或报告.

  • Investigators on an existing PHS-funded project must disclose through the OSP Portal annually, 是否有任何变化需要报告. The form should include 任何 previously reported significant financial interests (SFI).
  • Investigators on a proposed PHS-funded project must submit a 信息披露形式 在向发起人提交提案之前. 注意,这不仅包括UI调查器, 也包括次级接受者和/或合作调查者.
  • Investigators who discover or acquire a new SFI must submit a new 信息披露形式 within 30 days of discovery or acquisition.

All required disclosures shall be submitted to UI through the 赞助项目办公室 (OSP) using the 信息披露形式 made available by OSP and approved by the VP for 研究 and Economic Development.

If, 在阅读了披露表格上的问题之后, you 是 unsure whether or not you should report an outside activity/financial interest, then you should err on the side of caution and disclose the information.

如果将来出现问题, having reported the activity/relationship offers some protection to you and the university in terms of how the matter is perceived by others. Failure to report an activity/relationship may be misinterpreted as a desire to hide the activity.

Regulation and policy require the university to have 信息披露形式 on file for all investigators, whether or not they have a significant financial interest to report.


Investigators must disclose travel in certain cases, as follows:

If you 是 participating in research funded by PHS entities:

根据小灵通的规定,发生的 任何 travel 支付的 a third party related to the investigator's institutional responsibilities is considered a significant financial interest and is disclosable. 


  • Third party directly pays in whole or in part for travel on your behalf
  • 你 pay for travel and third party reimburses you in whole or in part
  • University of Idaho pays in whole or in part for travel and the third party reimburses UI


  • 外部专业组织和协会
  • 学术期刊和出版公司
  • Any travel reimbursed or sponsored by a foreign institution of higher education or the government of another country.

PHS regulations consider travel 支付的 the following types of entities to be non-disclosable:

  • 由UI支付或由赞助奖项资助UI
  • U.S. 联邦、州或地方政府机构
  • U.S. 高等教育机构或美国.S. 研究机构
  • U.S. 学术教学医院或美国.S. 隶属于美国的医疗中心.S. 高等教育机构.


你不需要披露旅行情况 费用.

你  须披露旅行情况 支付的:

  • 外部专业组织和协会
  • 学术期刊和出版公司
  • Any travel reimbursed or sponsored by a foreign institution of higher education or the government of another country.

At a minimum you should disclose the following information on your travel disclosure:

  • 旅行的目的
  • 赞助商/组织者的身份
  • 目的地
  • 持续时间

Additional information may be requested as needed in order to determine whether the travel constitutes a 财务利益冲突 with the PHS-funded research.



莫斯科,ID 83843

875周界博士., MS 3020



电子邮件: osp@omoide-pic.com

网络: OSP的网站
